Solr supports two styles of schema: a managed schema and a manually maintained schema.xml
file. When using a managed schema, features such as the Schema API and Schemaless Mode are available. When using schema.xml
, the only way changes can be made to Solr’s schema is by manually editing the file.
The in solrconfig.xml defines whether your system will use a managed schema or schema.xml.
While the “read” features of the Schema API are supported for all schema types, support for making schema modifications programmatically depends on the in use.
Kullanılacak filtreler ve tokenizer’lar
- Regex tokenizer ve Hyphenated Words Filter dehyphenation işlemi için denenecek.
- Stopwords filter
- Hunspell Stem Filter
- Managed Stop Filter incelenecek
- Length Filter
- (Managed) synonym filter incelenecek.
- Shingle Filter: N-Gram kelimeler için…
- Pattern Replace Filter (De hyphen için kullanılabilir.)
- Synonym Graph Filter
- Trim Filter
- Apostrphe Filter Factory